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These Are The 3 Reasons You Are Destined For Failure

How many countless and hopeless searches are there to make money online? How to have financial freedom, how to get out of debt, how to do this and that and how many of them fall flat on their face? This isn’t a make money post but it could certainly help you improve your situation or help you along in your business.

The human race is pretty interesting. We always tend to want things we can’t have, and the things we already have we want something better.

In the age of information, it’s no wonder why people are stuck. We dive into the bed of information, content, advice, ebooks, and even blogs like this one you’re reading right now. You think you have focus, but you’re bouncing from one thing to another, one method to another method until you realize your head is barely above the quicksand you’ve been sinking in. Now you’re fighting for your life, doing everything you can for survival only to realize no matter how many moves you make, you’re just paralyzed.

Does that sound familiar?


You want something better for your life. There is nothing wrong with that. Maybe it’s for yourself, you have big dreams of big money and freedom. Perhaps it isn’t for you at all but for your family, you want additional income, or some sort of passive income to improve your life. I would say most people I talk to, whether business owners or internet marketers want something better for their family, and that’s why they want to do this. How ironic it is though that the divorce rate among business owners is 82%? Okay, so that isn’t really a point here, but it’s crazy to think about.

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The Reasons You’re Destined To FAIL

Reason #1 – Lack of Focus

First, we should define focus. There’s the noun, “The center of interest or activity”. That’s not a bad definition, it’s correct but for the purpose of this blog post, we’re not going to use that definition. Instead we’re going to look at the definition of the word “focus” in its’ verb form because we’re concerned with action, not just interest.

Adapt to the prevailing level of light and become able to see clearly.

I like that definition a bit better, because we can all say that we’re focused on an activity, or we have huge focus in an area of interest, but there’s no real end point there. We don’t get anywhere from that focus, it’s too generic and doesn’t benefit us in the end.

This defines focus, mentioning that you become able to see clearly. Now we can get somewhere. You want to make money online but I bet you don’t clearly see how. You want to build an agency to 1,000 clients but you don’t see it clearly. You just want enough to survive without working a low wage slave job for some prick, and your focus is on a certain interest but you still don’t see it clearly.

How to Start Seeing Clearly, Getting Focused.

If you want to succeed in something, then you need to have not just a plan, but a clear vision. You have to be able to specify what exactly it is you want to do, accomplish, and how you’re going to get there. Those that are vague about what it is they’re wanting, are probably 200% more likely to fail than those that are very specific.

Do you want to make money selling services to small businesses? Do you want to make money by starting your own business offering a product or service to consumers? Did you answer yes? Then you need to be more specific than that.

Bob says he wants to start a business selling internet marketing services to business owners.

Jeff says he’s starting a business selling web design and hosting services to Roofing companies in the midwest, through a combination of cold calling, email marketing and direct mailing.

Who do you think has the best chance for success? Just based on those examples, it seems like Jeff is light years ahead of Bob, even if neither one of them has a client yet. Jeff is already saying he’s starting, he isn’t saying he wants to start. He also is very specific about WHAT he’s going to sell, WHO he is going to sell to, and WHERE he is going to sell, as well HOW he’s going to do it.

The more specific you are in how you’re going to accomplish something, the better off you’re going to be, and the higher the chances of success you will have.

So what is it that you want? How will you do it? What will you do? When? Why?

Avoiding Distraction

A big part of staying focused and seeing the end goal clearly, and the path to accomplishing it, is avoiding distraction along the way.

Easier said than done though with text messages, facebook, twitter, and whatever else you use as a time waster.

When I find myself getting easily distracted, I turn skype on Do Not Disturb, my phone is off, no one can contact me and I turn on some classical music through pandora and get to work.

You will need to figure out your own process for avoiding distraction and clearing your head from the mind trash.

Focus Challenge:

Do you find yourself being distracted and not sure what to do about it? Let’s fix it.

Sign up for a free Toggl account and start tracking everything you do. Sleep, shower, bathroom, eating, whatever it is you’re doing, even if you’re on facebook or other forms of social media, log absolutely everything you do. I am willing to bet after 2 days of using this free tool, you will find out just how unfocused you are, and make steps to change it.

One more challenge I want you to take. Forget multitasking. There was a study done by some university that shows only 5% of people can effectively multitask. Everything you do this week, make sure you have a clearly identified task, and handle one task at a time. This will allow you to get more things done, stay focused, and will help you realize the power of your production.

Reason #2 For Failure – Your Attitude

I’m not somebody that is in the “enlightened” self improvement crowd where everything is all positive energy, butterflies, rose smelling farts with fairy dust leading you to the pot of gold and unicorns flying into the sunset. The laws of attraction and all that stuff…if it works for you that’s cool. For me, I don’t care about “attracting” because I believe I have the power to make the decisions to get where I want to be. However, I do see how negativity can impact you.

With that said, I do have to say that the attitude you have in your life can dictate your chances of success when it comes to your goals. Most people don’t realize it, but their attitude is what is setting them up for failure.

Attitude and mood kind of go together don’t they?

A few months ago, actually in late November I decided to cut out a few negative things in my life. The negativity came from the news, facebook, people I wouldn’t exactly call friends but pretended to be. I did it as a small experiment, just to see how my life would change, would it make a difference? I wanted to see if it would impact my sales, my productivity, etc. and in the end it did.

I’ve signed on facebook twice since November. (Not including stuff done for clients)

I’ve turned off the news.

I eliminated the people in my life that were killing my mood and attitude.

The most difficult thing for me was cutting out the news. I’m a political junkie, and love politics, political related news, what’s going on in the world but no matter which side of the aisle you fall on, I think we can all agree that there’s too much sensationalism and fear mongering going on.

The result of these things, led to a very productive December, not just in time management and what I’ve been able to accomplish but also effected my sales in a positive light.

In this world, it’s easy to be pessimistic. Being pessimistic though can lead to:

  • Lack of control
  • Loss of hope
  • Unable, or being unwilling to change

I saw a quote not too long ago, that said, “You instinctively hesitate to invest in a sinking ship, even if you’re the one sinking it.” I don’t remember who it was by, or if I’m somewhat paraphrasing but the overall idea is true.

Are you sabotaging yourself without even realizing it just by having a negative outlook, being pessimistic or having the wrong attitude?

Attitude Challenge:

If you find yourself not having the best attitude, it’s time to make a change. The first thing you need to do is realize that it’s negatively impacting you. The second thing you need to realize is that you have the power to change it.

The challenge for overcoming this is to start looking at the positive side of everything you come across that may be negative, and also start being thankful for what you do have, and everything that is going well in your life.

It’s easy to overlook the positives when we’re in a negative mood and put down by pessimism. Being grateful for everything we actually have, and seeing positives in negative things will give you the motivation to follow through on whatever it is you want to accomplish.

Reason #3 For Failure – Lack of Action

I was debating whether this one should be about planning, or action taking but if you followed reason #1 then you would understand focus is a big part of success. If you truly have focus, then you already have a plan, and that plan is a specific plan.

While planning is necessary, and a vital part of an action plan, it is also an area that blindsides you.

It seems a lot of people are obsessed, and very good with the planning part of things, but have little to no execution when it comes to that plan. These people, and maybe you’re one of them, keep thinking of every little detail instead of taking massive action to achieve their goal.

But isn’t it a good thing to plan for every possibility?

Planning is essential, but you don’t want your planning to lead you off focus. You want to keep your focus and avoid distraction, right?

Well, what happens to a lot of people when they set out to do something but fail, is that they formulate a plan and keep adding to it so much that is becomes a broad, unfocused plan.

How many times have you researched something, maybe it was for a school paper, or perhaps for your own knowledge but then you get sidetracked researching something else you discovered along the way with little to no relevance of the original topic? Google Syndrome.

It happens. The same thing happens often when people think about starting their own marketing business. They plan for everything they can, marketing, sales, design, outsourcing, fulfillment, support, hiring, training, management, reporting, taxes, etc. It’s not a bad thing that you make plans based on these things, but at some point the planning has to turn into execution.

I bet half the people reading this, are having trouble putting things into action.

I also, hate the cliche, “just take action and everything will work out”, which is a big internet marketing lie. It is focused, targeted action that is going to benefit you. Not blind action, not great planning, but focused and highly targeted action.

Your challenge for overcoming this problem.

What have you been wanting to do? What kind of plans have you been making? What kind of decisions have you NOT been MAKING?

I want to challenge you to CHOOSE to take action on something you’ve been putting off. Not just planning, and not just blind action but targeted, and focused action.

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week. – George S. Patton

Once you make the decision to take action, you will feel liberated. You will feel a weight being taken off your shoulder. Action is always better than inaction, and with the focus we talked about added to the right attitude, you will be well on your way to getting closer to your goals.

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