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Does Topical Trust Flow Matter When it Comes To SEO?

This normally wouldn’t be a topic I would blog about but I’ve seen multiple people mention it, so why not get in on the action? This won’t be a long blog post, just a short one breaking down topical trust flow, what it is, and if it matters.

What Is Topical Trust Flow?

First off, if you don’t know what it is, that’s okay. It doesn’t make you any better at SEO, in fact, it isn’t even a Google metric.

Topical Trust Flow is a metric created by Majestic SEO. It’s a company that offers SEO tools, more specifically along the lines of analysis and backlink analysis.

Topical Trust Flow is their own created metric to categorize pages, domains, sub domains based on the topic or proximity to the overall topic.

Why Would Topical Trust Flow Matter?

For most people, it wouldn’t matter. However, if you’re looking to build some backlinks or find opportunities to connect with influencers, it could be a decent tool.

Obviously if you’re doing any kind of backlink building, you want to build backlinks that matter. You want backlinks that have a chance at getting traffic or exposure, and if you’re wanting some traffic you want the traffic to be relevant and high quality, right? You don’t want traffic from a site about cramps and periods if you have a men’s fitness site… and you don’t want traffic from a weight loss site if you’re offering web design and SEO services.

Topical Trust Flow helps you identify opportunities related to your topic. It can be useful.

So Does Topical Trust Flow Make A Difference With Rankings?

Of course not. This is nothing more than a feature that a company added, branded, and uses to sell more subscriptions.

There’s nothing wrong with it, their job is to sell things that could be helpful but it is other marketers and SEO guys that seem to have a sketchy idea about what it does or if it really makes an impact.

Using the metric, it can assist you in marketing and link building, sure… but topical trust flow… within your own website, doesn’t really make much of a difference.

You must keep in mind that this is NOT a Google Used Metric!

Google doesn’t care what Majestic does, they don’t care what citation flow, trust flow, or topical trust flow is… Google has their own metrics.

I saw a screen shot of a guy that is a self proclaimed SEO expert and offers “coaching” at $2,000/mo…going on about how he finally figured out how to manipulate topical trust flow. Whoopdy freaking do.

Manipulating it for what? It doesn’t matter if you manipulate it… it’s ONLY used by Majestic, not Google.


In the world of SEO there’s a lot of snake oil. There’s a lot of new topics, buzzwords, and trends that people follow blindly. A lot of it can be filtered out by the use of basic logic.

This was at no fault to Majestic, they do what they’re supposed to, but it’s the SEOs and marketers that have mistaken its’ purpose and turned it into something it really isn’t.

Be careful what you place importance on!



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